If we started this whole process with the full amount to adopt, it would require a lot less faith in God. Wise words from my husband! It would probably feel way more comfortable to start this process with the full amount we needed. Imagine if we knew we could just reach into the pot and pull out the amount as each bill came up due. However, relying on God and seeing how He provides is much better than the comfort of trusting in our own abilities.
We have already paid several bills, and as we watch them approach and wonder how we'll pay, God always provides! I hate that I ever doubt or worry. It's amazing to think about how the Israelites turned against God so quickly after all the miracles, and then realize I am doing the same thing each time I worry about our future and these bills.
We wanted to share a couple of amazing things that we have seen to inspire others, and to hopefully encourage anyone who may want to pursue adoption, but is afraid of the huge cost. Here is the first story I will share. We planned a garage sale in Bluffton, IN which is the area where I (Ashley) grew up. As the weekend approached I got a call from my mom. She told me that the weather was going to be awful, pouring rain, cold, nasty and wondered if we should put off the sale for another weekend. I discussed it with Evan and we decided it was too late to rearrange plans, so we decided to move forward and trust God whether we raised $20 or $1,000. We didn't know what good He had planned for the sale, whether that would be for someone to come to Christ, or another family to decide to adopt, for other funds to come in, all of the above, etc. We just trusted that He would bring good from the weekend. We were so amazed by the love and support from the family who opened their garage, others who stood out in the cold rain with us, and a constant flow of people who did not let the rain stop them from coming to our sale! Our sale was donation based and we walked away with over $2000! God is amazing!
We then had a second sale in Columbus and that time the weather was hot and humid and draining people of energy, yet again, the crowds came and we raised another $1000!
Just when it seems like things are settling down, God provides more avenues of His faithfulness. What do we do now that the sales are over? How else do we raise funds? People at our church amaze us with suggestions, donations, love and support. Again, why did I start to doubt?
I will share one more story from earlier this year. I have been selling stuff on eBay, which has actually brought in more than $1500 over the last 4 months! I had a mug that I LOVED, but was willing to sell it. The mug was actually in high demand. I started the bid high and also informed everyone that we were selling it to raise funds for our adoption. I had a lady win it for about $175, then she told me to keep it and sell it again! I don't know that lady, but God used her to encourage me and help us through this process.
So yes, as easy as it would be to start off with the full amount, I am very thankful to have these stories, and to be able to grow and share with others.